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2023 Legislation

AVFCA Bills Supported and Opposed

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2023 CA Legislation Following

2023 CA  Legislative Wrap Up!

November 1, 2023 Update: Below A Voice for Choice Advocacy gives you a detailed description of all the bills AVFCA Opposed and Supported this year.
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✘ 2023 CA BAD Bills 

A Voice for Choice Advocacy Opposed the following bills:

✘ AB-659 Cancer Prevention Act (Aguiar-Curry): This bill would advise 6th grade students and their parents, as well as first-time enrollees at an institution of the California State University, the University of California, or the California Community Colleges to be fully immunized against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).  This bill was heavily amended throughout the legislative process to remove all mandates. (

AVFCA Position: Opposed, unless further amended.

Status: Chaptered


✘ AB 665 consent to mental health services (Carrillo):  This bill relates to current statute which allows 12+ year old minors to attain mental health services without their parent’s consent.  This law currently appears in both the Health & Safety Code and the Family Code, but differs somewhat and so AB 665 aims to make the two code sections consistent.  However, there are areas where the bill has removed criteria which the minors must meet in order to get treatment, making treatment options for which they can consent much broader, especially with regard to Residential Shelter Services.  (
AVFCA Position:  Unofficially opposed unless amended – AVFCA unsuccessfully tried to work with the author’s office to reinstate the criteria or ensure these services are only for homeless youth.
Status: Chaptered

A Voice for Choice Advocacy is Opposing the following bill, but it has been put On Hold (likely defeated, but could still be brought back):

✘ AB-1660 Cosmetic products: perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) (Ta): This bill would authorize a person or entity to petition the board to exempt an intentionally added PFAS from that prohibition, and would authorize the state board to, in consultation with the State Water Resources Control Board, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, and the Department of Toxic Substances Control, exempt an intentionally added PFAS from that prohibition if the state board determines that the intentionally added PFAS meets specified qualifications.  (
AVFCA Position: Opposed.
Status: Not moving forward this year

 2022 CA GOOD Bills 

A Voice for Choice Advocacy Supported the following bills:

✔ SB-499 Cool Schools Act (Menjivar):
This bill would, on or before January 1, 2025, require all schoolsites, as defined, to develop an extreme heat action plan, and on or before January 1, 2027, require schoolsites to begin implementation of their extreme heat action plan contingent upon appropriation by the Legislature. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held under submission in Senate Appropriations committee.


✔AB-57 California Pocket Forest Initiative (Kalra):
This bill would authorize the department to provide grants to cities, counties, districts, nonprofit organizations, the California Conservation Corps or certified community conservation corps, public universities, public community colleges, and public schools to establish pocket forests on public lands; prioritize disadvantaged communities and communities that lack publicly accessible green space for these grants. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Vetoed due to budget constraints


✔ SB-394 Master Plan for Healthy, Sustainable, and Climate-Resilient Schools (Gonzalez):
This bill would require the commission to develop a Master Plan for Healthy, Sustainable, and Climate-Resilient Schools on or before March 31, 2025, if an appropriation is made for that purpose. The bill would require the commission to consult with specified state agencies and engage with a diverse group of stakeholders and experts regarding the development of the master plan, as provided. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Vetoed due to budget constraints


✔ AB-527 Urban forestry: school greening projects: grants (Calderon):
This bill would require funds appropriated or allocated to the department for the bill’s purposes to be administered to support school greening, as defined, by providing grants to eligible local educational agencies, as defined, nonprofit organizations, cities, counties, and districts, including special districts, through a competitive grant process. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held under submission in Senate Appropriations committee.


✔ AB-408 Climate-resilient Farms, Sustainable Healthy Food Access, and Farmworker Protection Bond Act of 2024 (Wilson):
This bill would enact the Climate-resilient Farms, Sustainable Healthy Food Access, and Farmworker Protection Bond Act of 2024, which would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $3,365,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, to finance programs related to, among other things, agricultural lands, food and fiber infrastructure, climate resilience, agricultural professionals, including farmers, ranchers, and farmworkers, workforce development and training, air quality, tribes, disadvantaged communities, nutrition, food aid, meat processing facilities, and fishing facilities. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held under submission in Senate Appropriations committee.


✔ SB-675 Prescribed grazing: local assistance grant program: Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program: Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force  (Limon):
This bill would expand the definition of fire prevention activities to include prescribed grazing, defined as the lawful application of grazing by a specific kind of livestock at a determined season, duration, and intensity to accomplish defined vegetation or conservation goals, including reducing the risk of wildfire by reducing fuel loads, controlling undesirable or invasive plants, and promoting biodiversity and habitat for special status species. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Ordered to inactive file in Assembly Appropriations Committee


✔AB-824 Highway greening: statewide strategic plan (Calderon):
This bill would enact the Highway Greening Act, which would require the department to complete a statewide strategic plan, as specified, to achieve a 10% increase of green highways, as defined, in urban areas, disadvantaged communities, and low-income communities by 2035. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held under submission in Senate Appropriations committee.


✔AB-99 State highways: vegetation management: herbicides and pesticides (Connolly):
This bill would require the Department of Transportation to adopt a statewide policy to use integrated pest management, as defined, on state roads and highways, as specified, and to implement the statewide policy in cities or counties that have adopted integrated pest management approaches to roadside vegetation management. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held under submission in Senate Appropriations committee.


✔AB-234 Microparticles (Bauer-Kahan):
This bill would enact the Synthetic Polymer Microparticles in Cosmetic and Cleaning Products Prevention Act, prohibiting a synthetic polymer microparticle from being placed on the market in this state as a substance on its own or, where the synthetic polymer microparticles are present to confer a sought-after characteristic, in mixtures in a concentration equal to or greater than 0.01% by weight. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held in Assembly Natural Resources Committee (Potential two year bill).


✔ SB-665 Plastic waste: single-use plastics alternatives: working group (Allen):
This bill would require the California Environmental Protection Agency, by January 1, 2025, to establish a working group of the above-referenced state agencies that would establish a framework for evaluating novel plastic and plastic-alternative material types used to produce single-use products as they are developed, in order to inform state policy decisions designed to create a more sustainable and circular economy, as provided. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Vetoed due to duplicative efforts and regulatory issues


✔ SB-303 Solid waste: Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act (Allen):
This bill would authorize the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery to adopt regulations to identify responsible end markets, and to establish criteria regarding benefits to the environment while minimizing risks to public health and worker health and safety. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Vetoed due to duplicative efforts and regulatory issues


✔AB-343 Southern Los Angeles: ocean dumpsites: chemical waste (Muratsuchi):
This bill would require the California Environmental Protection Agency, until January 1, 2028, to hold at least 4 public meetings per year, with the first meeting occurring on or before March 31, 2024, to, among other things, provide members of the public with current information on the agency’s efforts to study and mitigate DDT and other chemical waste located at Dumpsite-1 and Dumpsite-2 off the coast of Los Angeles. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held under submission in Assembly Appropriations committee


✔AB-363 Pesticides: neonicotinoids for nonagricultural use: reevaluation: regulations (Bauer-Kahan):

This bill would require the Department of Pesticide Regulation, by July 1, 2024, to issue a determination, taking into account the latest science, with respect to a reevaluation of neonicotinoids pesticides on pollinating insects, aquatic ecosystems, and human health when used for the nonagricultural protection of outdoor ornamental plants, trees, and turf, and, by July 1, 2026, to adopt any control measures for that use that are determined by the department, based on the reevaluation, to be necessary to protect pollinating insects, aquatic ecosystems, and human health, as provided. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Chaptered


✔AB-347 Household product safety: toxic substances: testing and enforcement (Ting):
This bill would require the Department of Toxic Substances Control to adopt guidance regarding the PFAS prohibition, and to post that guidance on its internet website by January 1, 2025. By January 1, 2025, the bill would require the department to select and test at least 200 random samples of juvenile products and at least 200 random samples of food packaging for compliance with those PFAS prohibitions.  (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Ordered to Senate Appropriations Committee inactive file


✔AB-496 Cosmetic Safety (Friedman):
Existing law, commencing January 1, 2025, prohibits a person or entity from manufacturing, selling, delivering, holding, or offering for sale in commerce any cosmetic product that contains any of several specified intentionally added ingredients except under specified circumstances. This bill would, commencing January 1, 2027, expand that prohibition by adding specified banned ingredients. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Chaptered


✔AB-1042 Department of Pesticide Regulation: Sustainable Pest Management Workgroup (Bauer-Kahan):
This bill would require the Director of Pesticide Regulation to adopt regulations to govern the use and disposal of seeds treated with a pesticide and to prohibit the use of seeds treated with a pesticide that meets specified conditions. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held in Senate Agriculture Committee (Potential two year bill).


✔AB-1238 Hazardous waste: solar panels (Ward):
This bill would require the department to develop alternative management standards for managing photovoltaic modules, and specify parameters for the standards, including, but not limited to, that they promote the safe collection, reuse, and recycling of photovoltaic modules. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held in Senate Environmental Quality Committee (Potential two year bill).


✔AB-1290 Product safety: plastic packaging: substances (Rivas):
This bill would prohibit, beginning January 1, 2026, a person from manufacturing, selling, offering for sale, or distributing in the state, (1) opaque or pigmented polyethylene terephthalate bottles, and (2) plastic packaging that contains certain chemicals, pigments, or additives, and also exclude from that prohibition packaging used for certain medical, drug, and federally regulated products. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Ordered to Assembly Appropriations Committee inactive file


✔ SB-348 Pupil Meals (Skinner):
This bill would revise and recast provisions regarding school meals for needy pupils by, among other things, instead requiring each school district, county superintendent of schools, and charter school to make available a nutritionally adequate breakfast, as defined, and a nutritionally adequate lunch, as defined, free of charge during each schoolday, as defined, to any pupil who requests a meal, without consideration of the pupil’s eligibility for a federally funded free or reduced-price meal, as provided. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Chaptered


✔AB-1752 Bees: pesticides: civil penalties (Rivas):
In addition to existing regulations by the Secretary of Food and Agriculture necessary to minimize pesticide hazards to bees, this bill would authorize a county agricultural commissioner, in lieu of a civil prosecution by the director, to levy a civil penalty of not more than $3,000 per violation against a person violating said regulations. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Chaptered


✔AB-727 Product safety: cleaning products: perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (Weber):
This bill, beginning January 1, 2025, would prohibit a person from manufacturing, selling, delivering, distributing, holding, or offering for sale in the state a cleaning product that contains regulated PFAS, as specified. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Vetoed due to regulatory enforcement issues


✔ AB-246 Menstrual products: perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) (Papan):
Beginning January 1, 2025, this bill prohibits any person from manufacturing, distributing, selling, or offering for sale in the state any menstrual products that contain regulated PFAS, and requires a manufacturer to use the least toxic alternative when removing regulated PFAS in menstrual products to comply with these provisions (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Vetoed due to regulatory enforcement issues


✔ AB-1423 Product safety: perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and PFAS products (Schiavo):
This bill would, commencing January 1, 2024, require a manufacturer or installer of a covered surface, defined as artificial turf or a synthetic surface that resembles grass, proposing to design, sell, or install a field with a covered surface to any party to notify the party at the earliest possible date that the covered surface contains regulated PFAS, and also prohibit, commencing January 1, 2024, a public entity, including a charter city, charter county, city, or county, any public or private school serving pupils in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, a public institution of higher education, other than the University of California, or a private institution of higher education from purchasing or installing a covered surface containing regulated PFAS, as provided. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Vetoed due to regulatory enforcement issues


✔ AB-48 Nursing Facility Resident Informed Consent Protection Act of 2023 (Aguiar-Curry):
This bill would add to the rights of patients that every resident receive information that is material to an individual’s informed consent decision concerning whether to accept or refuse the administration of psychotherapeutic drugs, as well as the right to be free from psychotherapeutic drugs used for the purpose of resident discipline, convenience, or chemical restraint, except in an emergency. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Chaptered


✔ AB-249 Water: schoolsites: lead testing: conservation (Holden):
This bill would require a community water system that serves a schoolsite with a building constructed before January 1, 2010, to test for lead in the potable water system of the schoolsite before January 1, 2027, and for the community water system to report its findings to the applicable school or local educational agency. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Vetoed due to budget issues


✔ SB-597 Rainwater capture systems (Glazer):
This bill would require the department to conduct research, and develop recommendations regarding building standards for the installation of rainwater catchment systems in newly constructed residential dwellings. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee (Potential two year bill)


✔ AB-830 Lake and streambed alteration agreements: exemptions (Soria):
This bill aims to streamline the permitting process for capturing floodwaters to help recharge groundwater basins, recognizing the importance of capturing water during heavy rains to both prevent potential flooding while simultaneously recharging regional groundwater basins. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Ordered to Senate Appropriations Committee inactive file


✔ AB-1407 Coastal resources: ocean recovery and restoration: large-scale restoration (Addis):
This bill would require the Ocean Protection Council, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to establish a Kelp Forest and Estuary Restoration and Recovery Framework that has a goal of restoring by 2050 a designated area of kelp forests, eelgrass meadows, and native oyster beds. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Ordered to Senate Appropriations Committee inactive file


✔ AB-406 Agriculture: Healthy Soils Program and California Farmland Conservancy Program (Connolly):
This bill would additionally authorize the Healthy Soils Program to include the funding of organic farming projects that further the goals of the program and require the department to establish the technical advisory committee if it elects to fund those projects, as specified. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee (Potential two year bill)


✔ AB-418 Food Product Safety (Gabriel):
This bill, commencing January 1, 2027, would prohibit a person or entity from manufacturing, selling, delivering, distributing, holding, or offering for sale, in commerce a food product that contains any specified substance, including, among others, brominated vegetable oil and red dye 3. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Chaptered


✔ AB-660 Food labeling: quality dates, safety dates, and sell by dates (Irwin):
This bill would require the Department of Food and Agriculture to, in consultation with the State Department of Public Health, on and after January 1, 2025, publish information to require fa food manufacturer, processor, or retailer responsible for the labeling of food items for human consumption that chooses, or is otherwise required by law, to display a date label to communicate a quality or safety date on a food item manufactured on or after January 1, 2025, to use one of the specified terms on the date label, as provided. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held in Assembly Agriculture Committee (Potential two year bill)


 SB-625 Newborn screening: genetic diseases: blood samples collected (Nguyen):
This bill would require the department to provide information about the genetic testing program, and to permit the parent or legal guardian to withhold consent to the storage, retention, and use of the newborn child’s blood sample for medical research. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status:  Hearing canceled at the request of author (Potential two year bill).

✔ AB-310 CalWORKs (Arambula):
This bill would, among other things, revise and recast the welfare-to-work program, by renaming it as the family assistance program, repealing the provision that makes participation in work activities a condition of eligibility for CalWORKs aid, and instead requiring that every recipient be provided with an opportunity to participate in family assistance activities. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Hearing canceled at the request of author (Potential two year bill).


✔ SB-28 Education finance: school facilities: Public Preschool, K–12, and College Health and Safety Bond Act of 2024 (Glazer):
This bill would establish the 2024 State School Facilities Fund, and authorize the board to apportion, and make disbursements of, moneys in the fund, as provided, including funding for health and safety projects by a school district, and test for lead in water outlets used for drinking or preparing food on schoolsites serving kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, as provided. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee (Potential two year bill)


✔AB-247 Education finance: school facilities: Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024 (Muratsuchi):
This bill would set forth the Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024 as a state general obligation bond act that would provide an unspecified amount to construct and modernize education facilities, as specified. (

AVFCA Position: Support.

Status: Held under submission in Senate Appropriations Committee


2023 SB 499 (Menjivar): Cool Schools Act

A Voice for Choice Advocacy is the Sponsor of the 2023 Cools Schools Act

Bill Description: SB 499 has two parts:
1. Would require all schoolsites, at the earliest possible time or, at the latest, the next time resurfacing or replacement of outdoor surfaces is required, to replace low specific heat surfaces, such as cement, asphalt, brick, pebbles, sand, aggregates, rubber, and synthetic turf, with high specific heat surfaces, such as cool pavement technologies, natural grass, shrubs, trees, wood chips, or other natural systems that mitigate heat and pollution, as provided. The bill would require all schoolsite decision making personnel involved in the replacement or resurfacing of outdoor surfaces at a schoolsite to be trained in extreme heat mitigation measures.
2. This bill would, on or before January 1, 2025, require all schoolsites, as defined, to develop an extreme heat action plan, as specified, and, by January 1, 2027, to begin implementation of their extreme heat action plan. The bill would require the plan to include installing or planting (1) shade trees or mini-forests, positioned on schoolsites where pupils can access them during the school day, (2) school garden infrastructure and plantings, and (3) coniferous tree barriers between the schoolsite and any adjacent high-polluting streets or commercial projects.

Ask of Legislators: To support SB 499, The 2023 Cool Schools Act

Current Status: Will be heard by the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 and has also been referred to Senate Human Services Committee. Notice of the hearing is given at least 72 hours in advance.

Take Action on SB 499 TODAY!


with your Senator, in person, at their local district office and ask them to support SB 499



a letter of support to the Legislative Portal



your organization to AVFCA’s SB 499 support coalition, to be part of the official support materials

Sign On


local public School Board members, individual Board of Supervisors, and other organizations and ask them to support SB 499

Resources – Coming soon

Further Information

1) Make an appointment TODAY to meet with your CA Senator and their staff to ask them to support SB 499

  • -Not sure who that is – enter your address here: (Note: No need to contact your Senator yet)
  • Not sure how to set up a meeting and build a trusted relationship with your legislators – watch this webinar:  Be sure to mention you are a constituent.
  • Not sure what to say – print out and use the AVFCA resources (coming soon)

2) Submit a letter of support to the Legislative Portal, as an individual and on behalf of any organization you represent, and encourage other organizations to do the same:

– Write a brief letter in your own words asking the Senate Education and Human Services Committees to Support SB 499.  This does not need to be more than a few sentences stating “I Support SB 499 bill because ….”.  Make sure your letter is polite, to the point, and sounds convincing.  Remember you are trying to sway the legislators to vote the way you want them to, not alienate them.  If you can write on behalf of an organization or company, be sure to put your letter on a letterhead and sign it, so that it gets recognized.
– Create an account or sign in at
– Click “Submit a letter” and enter the bill number (SB 499), and follow the instructions to upload your letter to Senate Education and Human Services Committees.

3) Sign your organization on to AVFCA’s SB 499 support materials

As the sponsor of SB 499, A Voice for Choice Advocacy is gathering a coalition of concerned organizations throughout California to support SB 499, AB 246 and AB 99 through the 2023 legislative process.  Please sign your organization on to our letters by completing the form here: to show your organization’s support to increase the health of our environment and decrease toxics, which in turn will impact people’s physical and mental health positively.

By completing this form A Voice for Choice Advocacy will add your organization to a support letter submitted to each bill’s author, the CA Legislative Committees through which these bills will pass, as well as to legislators voting on the bill.  You are welcome to add your organizations support to any or all of these bills.

4) Meet and educate organization leaders to gain their support of SB 499

One of the key ways legislators are swayed to vote on a bill, is by seeing lots of organizations supporting a bill.  Therefore reach out and meet with individual school board members, individual board of supervisors, and other organization leaders to encourage them to support SB 499 and take the steps above.

Other 2023 CA Bill Information

AVFCA 2023 Organization Bill SupportAVFCA Educational Resources AB 6592023 CA Legislation2023 AB 659 (Aguiar-Curry): College HPV Vaccine Mandate