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2018 Legislation

AVFCA Bills Supported and Opposed

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2018 Legislation Followed

A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization which:

Advocates for people’s rights to have informed choice and transparency in the their decisions with regard to what goes into their bodies

Advocates for transparency of governmental agencies and governmental funding.

Advocates against “Big Brother” government legislation.

A Voice for Choice Advocacy supports litigation to fight mandates and other cases that will allow people to have informed choice and transparency in what goes into their bodies. Legally, A Voice For Choice Advocacy, Inc. is watching a number of lawsuits in CA and nationally this year, that align with our mission. Each of these lawsuits is described on A Voice for Choice, our sister site (

A Voice for Choice Advocacy specifically influences legislation and government policy related to these issues, including having a lobbyist consultant. Legislatively, A Voice For Choice Advocacy, Inc. is following a number of bills in CA and federally this year, that relate to our mission. Each of these bills is described in more detail below this list, giving our position and what action you can take:

In 2018, AVFCA Supports:

CA AB2570 School facilities: Clean and Healthy Schools Act: environmentally preferable cleaning and cleaning maintenance products (Nazarian)

CA AB2998 Juvenile products: flame retardant materials (Bloom)

CA AB2572 Pupil health: air quality stay indoors (Calderon)

CA AB2682 Nurse-Midwives (Burke)

CA AB3021 Farm animals: egg-laying hens: confinement (Levine, Medina, and Salas)

CA AB2775 Professional cosmetics: labeling requirements (Kalra)

CA SB1249 Animal testing: cosmetics (Galgiani)

CA AB2921 Polystyrene Food Service Packaging Recovery and Recycling Act (Low)

AVFCA Opposes

CA AB1992 CalWORKs eligibility: immunizations (Chu)

AVFCA is Watching:

CA AB2926 Private schools: home schools: advisory committee (Eggman)

CA AB2576 Emergencies: healthcare (Aguiar-Curry)

CA AB1325 Peaceful and Natural Dignity Act: the right of self-quarantine (Moorlach)

CA AB1152 Hospital patient discharge process: homeless patients (Hernandez)

CA AB2626 Child Care Services (Mullin)

CA SB1097 Lead poisoning (Hueso)

AVFC Is Supporting:

CA AB2570 School facilities: Clean and Healthy Schools Act: environmentally preferable cleaning and cleaning maintenance products (Nazarian)
This bill would create the Clean and Healthy Schools Act, and would make findings and declarations regarding indoor air quality and cleaning products. The bill would require school districts and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools with 50 or more pupils, by the 2020–21 school year, or when it is economically feasible, to purchase and use exclusively environmentally preferable cleaning and cleaning maintenance products, as specified. The bill would require a school district or school to submit a letter indicating that it will not purchase and use environmentally preferable cleaning and cleaning maintenance products to the State Department of Education and the governing board of the school district or governing body of the nonpublic elementary or secondary school, annually, until it determines that it is economically feasible to comply with the requirements described above. The bill would also require the department to post on its Internet Web site information to assist school districts and schools in complying with these provisions.


AVFCA Position: Support (Click here to view AVFCA’s letter of support for AB2570)

Action To Take: Fax or email a letter of support to Assembly Member Nazarian’s office (email: and or fax: 916 319-2146), as well as to your Senator and Assembly Member ( This does not have to be a long letter, just something stating your support.
Current Status: Passed Assembly Committee on Education, Assembly Appropriations Committee,  Assembly Floor, Senate Committee on Education, and Senate Committee on Environmental Quality. Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee.

CA AB2998 Juvenile products: flame retardant materials (Bloom)

This bill would prohibit an establishment from selling juvenile products, mattresses, or upholstered or reupholstered furniture containing more than 0.1% of a flame retardant chemical or more than 0.1% of a mixture containing a flame retardant chemical. The bill would authorize the director to adopt regulations and rules to implement and enforce the act’s provisions. The bill would make various findings and declarations in this regard.

AVFCA Position: Support (Click here to view AVFCA’s letter of support for AB2998)

Action To Take: Fax or email a letter of support to Assembly Member Bloom’s office (email: and or fax: 916 319 2150), as well as to your Senator and Assembly Member ( This does not have to be a long letter, just something stating your support.
Current Status: Passed Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials, Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection, Assembly Appropriations Committee,  Assembly Floor, Senate on Environmental Quality, and Senate Committee on Business and Professions. Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee.

CA AB2572 Pupil health: air quality stay indoors (Calderon)
This bill would require school districts to require pupils to remain indoors during school hours when the applicable air pollution control district or air quality management district has issued a public alert for an unhealthy or very unhealthy air quality day.
AVFCA Position: Support (Click here to view AVFCA’s letter of support for AB2572)
Action To Take: None


Current Status: Died before being heard in any committee

CA AB2682 Nurse-Midwives (Burke)
This bill would authorize a nurse-midwife to practice in a variety of settings without supervision by a physician and surgeon subject to certain situations requiring consultation or comanagement with, or referral or transfer to, a physician and surgeon. The bill would also require all emergencies to be referred to a physician and surgeon immediately. By imposing new requirements, the violation of which would be a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.


AVFCA Position: Support (Click here to view AVFCA’s letter of support for AB2682)
Action To Take: None
Current Status: Passed Assembly Committee on Business and Professions, Assembly Appropriations Committee and Assembly Floor. Referred to Committee on Business and Professions, but died before being heard.

CA AB3021 Farm animals: egg-laying hens: confinement (Levine, Medina, and Salas)
This bill would also prohibit a farm owner or operator in California from confining an egg-laying hen in an enclosure that is not in compliance with specified standards, except as provided. The bill would prohibit a person from selling or contracting to sell shell eggs or liquid eggs in California from an egg-laying hen that was in an enclosure not in compliance with the specified standards.

AVFCA Position: Support (Click here to view AVFCA’s letter of support for AB3021)
Action To Take: Fax or email a letter of support to Assembly Member Levine, Medina and Salas’ offices (email: , , and,, or fax: 916 319-2162), as well as to your Senator and Assembly Member ( This does not have to be a long letter, just something stating your support.
Current Status: Passed Assembly Committee on Agriculture,  Assembly Appropriations Committee,  Assembly Floor, Senate Committee on Agriculture.  Placed in Suspense file in Senate Appropriations Committee.


CA AB2775 Professional cosmetics: labeling requirements (Kalra)
This bill would require a professional cosmetic manufactured on or after July 1, 2020, for sale in this state to have a label affixed on the container that satisfies all of the labeling requirements for any other cosmetic pursuant to specific federal laws. By expanding the requirements of this law, the bill would expand the scope of a crime, and thus would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would define terms for its purposes and make legislative findings in support of its provisions.

AVFCA Position: Support (Click here to view AVFCA’s letter of support for AB2775)
Action To Take: Fax or email a letter of support to Assembly Member Kalra’s office (email:, and or fax: 916 319-2027), as well as to your Senator and Assembly Member ( This does not have to be a long letter, just something stating your support.
Current Status: Passed Assembly Committee on Health, Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee,  Assembly Appropriations Committee,  Assembly Floor, Senate Committee on Environmental Quality and Senate Committee on Health. Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee.


CA SB1249 Animal testing: cosmetics (Galgiani)
Existing law prohibits manufacturers and contract testing facilities from using traditional animal testing methods within this state when an appropriate alternative test method has been scientifically validated and recommended. This bill would make it unlawful for any cosmetic manufacturer to knowingly import for profit, sell at retail, or offer for sale at retail in this state, any cosmetic, as defined, if the final product or any component thereof was developed or manufactured using animal testing after January 1, 2020. The bill would specify that a violation of its provisions is punishable by a fine not to exceed $500 for the first violation and not to exceed $1,000 for each subsequent violation. The bill would not apply to a cosmetic if the cosmetic, or any component of the cosmetic, was tested on animals before January 1, 2020, as specified.

AVFCA Position: Support
Action To Take: Fax or email a letter of support to Senator Galgiani’s office (email:, and Senator. or fax: 916 651 4905), as well as to your Senator and Assembly Member ( This does not have to be a long letter, just something stating your support.
Current Status: Passed Senate Judiciary Committee, Senate Appropriations Committee,  Senate Floor, and Assembly Judiciary Committee. Referred to Assembly  Appropriations Committee.


CA AB2921 Polystyrene Food Service Packaging Recovery and Recycling Act (Low)
This bill would authorize polystyrene food service packaging (PFP) manufacturers and polystyrene resin producers to form or designate an organization consisting of PFP manufacturers and resin producers, to be known as the Polystyrene Food Service Packaging Recycling Organization, and require them to pay to the PFP Recycling Organization a polystyrene food service packaging assessment fee. The bill would require the collected fees to be used by the organization to carry out the requirements of the act and for appropriate projects and programs that would further the purposes of the act, including awarding grants to public entities for programs designed to increase community access to PFP recycling, to promote efforts to recycle PFP, and to reduce or abate litter from PFP.

AVFCA Position: Support (Click here to view AVFCA’s letter of support for AB2921)
Action To Take: None
Current Status: Died before being heard in any committee.

AVFC Is Opposing:

CA AB1992 CalWORKs eligibility: immunizations (Chu)
This bill would remove the Personal Belief Exemption from CalWORKs vaccination requirements, thereby forcing parents who do not vaccinate their children to have $50 garnished from their benefits.  This bill, commencing July 1, 2019, would instead require a county human services agency to obtain or receive documentation that each child in an assistance unit who is not required to be enrolled in school has received all age-appropriate immunizations, except as specified. The bill would require the county to review the California Immunization Registry before requiring an applicant or recipient to provide documentation that a child has received all age-appropriate immunizations. The bill would require the county to send notice of the requirement to submit documentation, as specified, to the applicant or recipient. The bill would revise the information required for the notice, as specified, including requiring the notice to advise the applicant or recipient of the right to request and receive nonmedical transportation services through the Medi-Cal managed care plan. The bill would withhold $50 per month from the grant if the county has not secured the documentation and would require the assistance unit to be paid the withheld funds, up to $500, and the grant to be restored once the county receives the documentation or determines that there is good cause for not providing the documentation. Because the bill would increase the duties of a county relative to sending notice of the requirement to submit documentation of immunization and providing transportation services to ensure immunization, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would require the department, on a quarterly basis, to track, maintain, and publish on its Internet Web site specified county information regarding penalties imposed as a result of the bill.

AVFCA Position: Opposes, unless amended (Click here to view AVFCA’s letter of opposition for AB1992)
Action To Take:  Contact Senate Appropriations Committee – request opposition or amending to become a study bill.
Current Status: 
Passed Assembly Committee on Human Services, Assembly Appropriations Committee, Senate Committee on Human Services.  Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee.

AVFC Is Watching:

CA AB2926 Private schools: home schools: advisory committee (Eggman)
This bill would require the Superintendent to establish a broadly representative and diverse advisory committee to advise the Superintendent and the State Board of Education on all appropriate matters relative to home schools, which the bill would define. The bill would require the advisory committee, on or before July 1, 2020, to make recommendations to the Superintendent and state board on the appropriateness and feasibility of imposing additional requirements, as provided, on home schools. The bill would require the Superintendent and state board, on or before January 1, 2021, in consultation with the advisory committee, to make recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor relating to imposing additional requirements on home schools.

AVFCA Position: Watching
Action To Take:  None at this time.

CA AB2668 Pupil instruction: independent study programs: pupils not immunized (T. Allen)
This bill would authorize a pupil who does not meet immunization requirements to enroll in an independent study program that does not require classroom-based instruction and that is outside of the geographic boundaries of the school district or county in which the pupil resides if the school district or county office of education of residence, or a charter school within the geographic boundaries of the school district or county of residence, does not offer an independent study program that does not require classroom-based instruction.
This bill would additionally authorize independent study average daily attendance to be claimed for pupils who do not meet those residency requirements and who are enrolled in the school district, county office of education, or charter school pursuant to the bill’s authorization for a pupil who is not fully immunized to enroll in an independent study program that is outside of the geographic boundaries of the pupil’s school district or county of residence.

AVFCA Position: Watching
Action To Take:  None at this time.

CA AB2576 Emergencies: healthcare (Aguiar-Curry)
This bill would authorize the Governor, during a state of emergency, to direct all state agencies to utilize, employ, and direct state personnel, equipment, and facilities for the performance of any and all activities that are designed to allow community clinics and health centers to provide and receive reimbursement for services provided during or immediately following the emergency. The bill would authorize any agency directed by the Governor to perform those activities to expend any of the moneys that have been appropriated to it in order to perform those activities, irrespective of the particular purpose for which the money was originally appropriated.
This bill would require the board, during or immediately following a proclaimed state of emergency described above, to issue, upon request, a temporary pharmacy clinic permit to further the health and safety of the public. The bill would require a pharmacy or clinic who receives such a permit to use best efforts to keep certain records, but would require the permit holder to maintain the name, strength, and quantity of any drug or device furnished. The bill would provide a temporary pharmacy or clinic permit issued under these provisions to remain valid until 90 calendar days after the termination of the emergency, except as provided. The bill would require the board, during the emergency, to allow for the employment of a mobile pharmacy clinic in impacted areas under specified conditions. The bill would require the board, during the emergency, to waive any application fees for a temporary or mobile pharmacy or clinic permit, and to waive any other requirement if either the board, or the Governor, the waiver will aid in the protection of public health or the provision of patient care.
This bill would provide, only to the extent that federal financial participation is available, that neither face-to-face contact nor a patient’s physical presence on the premises of an enrolled community clinic, is required for services provided by the clinic to a Medi-Cal beneficiary during or immediately following a state of emergency, as specified. The bill would require that telehealth services, telephonic services, and other specified services be reimbursable when provided by an enrolled community clinic during a state of emergency.

AVFCA Position: Watching
Action To Take:  None at this time.

CA AB1325 Peaceful and Natural Dignity Act: the right of self-quarantine (Moorlach)
This bill would enact the Peaceful and Natural Dignity Act to permit a person to exercise the right of self-quarantine, as defined, in lieu of compliance with an otherwise mandatory medication or other contagion prevention orders or requirements of governmental agencies or officers.
This bill would set forth procedures for electing to exercise this right and would set forth the requirements for the seclusion area. The bill would exempt persons in self-quarantine from specified compulsory legal process. By requiring local agencies to comply with its requirements, and by making a violation of its provisions a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

AVFCA Position: Watching
Action To Take:  None at this time.

CA AB1152 Hospital patient discharge process: homeless patients (Hernandez)
This bill would require those health facilities to include within the hospital discharge policy, a written homeless patient discharge planning policy and process, as specified. The bill would require the health facilities to develop a written plan for coordinating services and referrals for homeless patients including procedures for homeless patient discharge referrals, designated liaisons at each participating entity, and coordination protocols.
The bill includes offering appropriate immunizations.

AVFCA Position: Watching
Action To Take:  None at this time.

CA AB2626 Child Care Services (Mullin)
This bill makes a variety of changes to child care services. It refers to the section of statute that has a religious exemption for homeless children to vaccination.

AVFCA Position: Watching
Action To Take: None at this time.

CA SB1097 Lead poisoning (Hueso)
Existing law requires the State Department of Public Health to collect and analyze all information necessary to effectively monitor appropriate case management efforts related to lead poisoning in children. Existing law requires the department to prepare a biennial report describing the effectiveness of appropriate case management efforts, and to make that report available to local health departments and the general public. This bill would require the department, in that report, to aggregate the data provided to the department. The bill would additionally require the department to post the report on the department’s Internet Web site.

AVFCA Position: Watching
Action To Take:  None at this time.