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SB-382 (Pan): Mosquito Research

AVFCA Commentary:
Legislation Details
Bill Name: Pest control: mosquito abatement
Bill Number: SB-382
Bill Author(s): Pan
Legislative Session / Year: 2017
State: California
AVFCA Position: Oppose Unless Amended
Bill Synopsis: This bill would have created the California Mosquito Surveillance and Research Program Account, to be administered by the department, to fund California-based surveillance and research on mosquitoes. The bill would appropriate $2,000,000 from the General Fund to the account, thereby making an appropriation. The bill would require that $1,500,000 of that money be used to fund the California Vectorborne Disease Surveillance System, known as CalSurv, to perform specified functions. Section I, Chapter 2 2101 (b) (5) enables the California Mosquito Surveillance and Research Program, CalSurv, to “perform other duties as necessary to protect the public and agricultural health of the state.” The language in this section is broad and unnecessary, and leaves the door wide open for any and all abatement measures to be taken. Inclusion of broad language has the potential to result in far reaching implementation of policies outside the intent of this bill and may require future legislation to redefine the original role and intent of the program.
LegInfo Bill Link:
Most Recent Bill Analysis:
Effective Date if Passed: 01/01/2018

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Died in Senate Appropriations Committee
Held in Suspense file in Senate Appropriations Committee
Passed Senate Policy Committee(s)
Referred to Senate Policy Committee(s)
Referred to Senate Rules Committee


02/01/18 Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to Joint Rule 56.
05/25/17 Held in committee and under submission.
05/15/17 May 15 hearing: Placed on APPR. suspense file.
04/27/17 From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 9. Noes 0. Page 886.) (April 26). Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
03/29/17 Re-referred to Com. on HEALTH.
03/02/17 Referred to Com. on RLS.
02/15/17 From printer. May be acted upon on or after March 17.

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