EDITOR’S SUMMARY: This time last year, A Voice for Choice Advocacy published its first sun story—”An Exposé on Sunlight: Bathe, Avoid, or Find a Middle Ground?.” Both stories address receiving vitamin D directly from the sun, and each touches on various aspects of...
Hair Loss and Thinning: Navigating Options After the Shock Subsides
EDITOR’S SUMMARY: With all of life’s hurdles, and finally understanding the concept of “letting go” to put peace of mind first, the unimaginable happens—your thick, full head of hair begins to dwindle. All life lessons are out the door while you panic … at least for a...
Putting an End to Troublesome “B.O.”: Are Whole Body Deodorants the Answer?
EDITOR’S SUMMARY: When it comes to addressing body odor that can be embarrassing and hinder self-esteem, there are many options. Whole body deodorants are being marketed like crazy on social media, particularly aimed at women. Unfortunately, these products are part...
The Confusing Case of Hair Dye: Inconsistent Findings Leave Consumers Bewildered
EDITOR’S SUMMARY: Reversing the appearance of aging is big business in the United States. This is especially true for women. There are a plethora of products you can buy to attempt to turn back time; hair dye included. In some camps gray hair is seen as a health...
Tattoo Ink: Mislabeled, Minimally Regulated, and Permanent – Is There Cause for Concern?
EDITOR’S SUMMARY: Nobody has your tattoo, especially if you didn’t pick your design out of a notebook of stock images from your local tattoo shop. Your colors, the way it moves on your body, and the unique symbolism it represents are all yours. This is special; this...
Fluoride From Your Water, Food, and Toothpaste May Be Disrupting Your Inner Ecosystem
EDITOR’S SUMMARY: Whether you came from the baby boom, Generation X, or millennial time period, from your first days to today, you’ve likely been consuming fluoride, in your water supply, your food, and in your toothpaste without your consent. Touted as prevention...
A Beautiful Act of Choice: Examining Toxins in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
SUMMARY: When we make decisions about what to put in, on, or around our bodies, it’s a smart idea to consider the risk to benefit ratio. “Is this worth it?” is a fine question to ponder. In the case of conventional cosmetics or personal care products, chock-full of...